The popular question of the day seemed to be "omg! omg! you're not doing mk anymore?!?"
Ya see how I dropped that bomb there, eh? I was wondering if I should say anything because I am not 100% sure at this point, but let me go ahead and explain myself.
First of all, I'd like to state for the record that Mary Kay is one of the most amazing companies I have ever known about in my life. I have learned more from my experience with Mary Kay than any other life experience so far. The way you can live God First, Family Second, and Career Third, is phenomenal.
Being your own boss, making money, prizes, girl time, free cars...should I go on?
The thing is, that is all great if you eat, sleep, breathe, pink. Which I have.
I am at a spot in life where my son is going into preschool. When he was a baby I needed to be home 24/7. I am one of those moms who nursed for 13 months, made my own home made baby food and never let anyone watch my child but me for a very long time. I had extreme anxiety and Mary Kay fit well with that. When I was 13 weeks pregnant I was let go from my full time job with a company I had been at for about 4 years, and with a baby on the way, I couldn't just go get another job. Especially one that would've paid that well. You can only get maternity leave if you've been at a company for 1 year, so my options were go work for someone else and miss everything. Miss being the mommy I wanted to be- or work for myself and make my first time mommy dreams come true.
It also helped that at that time, I was nationally ranked in Mary Kay and I thought I could never fail.
At that point, Mary Kay seemed to be a no brainer. At that point, I had no idea what I was really getting into.
Now that I have been in for 3 years, I have noticed, that I crave stability, as anyone would. With Mary Kay, you CAN pick it up and put it down, but you'll never get anywhere that way. You are either full on, or you've made the decision to just maintain what you've already accomplished. When I say I crave stability, I mean that I WANT to get up, and go to work. I want to know that I get off at 5, and have nothing but family time for the rest of the night. I want to look forward to the weekend. "no set schedule" is a selling point in the company, but my son and husband are on normal schedules, so why would I make a schedule that conflicts with theirs? Its hard to be in direct sales and book parties for when the masses are at work. Therefore, Jay would get off work at 5:30pm, we'd rush through dinner, and I'd have a party at 6:30. As of right now, I watch my son all day, but when he goes to preschool it will not just be my marriage that suffers, but my child too. I am just not okay with that.
My second reason, is that I really want a boss. The past 6 years, I have not worked for a traditional company. (The one I got let go from was ran by a man who did things a little weird) I really would like to have a normal boss, go into work, know what I am doing, and come home. In Mary Kay, You have no boss, no baby sitter. No consequences. Which can be good and bad.
I believe that I am simply made for something different. No matter what our situations in life are, sometimes you just need a change. It is possible that I could pick up my business after a while. I guess we will see. There is so much more to this, but lets just say that I am more than ready for the next season of life. My husband and I have big dreams of building a home, taking a vacation, and just living life.
I am excited about a specific position that I have applied for. It is an office management position at a new Orthodontic Office. I could finally use my degree! :) I'll keep everyone posted on what happens next. If you have questions, feel free to ask.
Makes so much more sense now! Excited to see where the next chapter of your life take you! :)