Monday, August 19, 2013

Playing With Purpose

So here we go world. My first serious blog. I'll be honest, I tried this blogging thing YEARS ago, and I have no idea where those blogs even ended up. It's funny how we revisit past "failures" huh? We get led down paths that we took forever ago, hoping they'll be different the second time around. Maybe blogging isn't the best example of that, but, it does lead me to the entire point of this blog. Playing with purpose.
Originally I thought about naming my entire blog "Playing with Purpose" because I feel like that's where I am at in life. (*many posts to follow about that  one.) Let's face it, I am a super two- year- old- obsessed mom, how could Braxton not be in my title? That's just it, friends. As a mother, wife, and almost ex MK consultant, its hard to find identifiers in life that are not "jay's wife" "Braxton's mommy" or "that Mary Kay lady"
Hence. My blog.
I feel like that last few years I have totally thought I had life figured out. This past year has taught me otherwise. I tried blogging before when I thought I had it all together, and I think that's simply what went wrong. Right now, I have NOTHING in life figured out. I am simply a girl on a mission to find myself. To figure myself out, and maybe pick up some just-as-confused- as -me friends along the way. I have a million things to write about, here's to hoping that something will strike your interest along the way!


  1. You're not doing Mary Kay anymore?

  2. I still am for right now. I don't think i'll ever be "out" however, that has been a popular question today, so I think I'll write about it tonight!
